The Green Line
– our sustainability taxonomy
We launched the Green Line in 2023 to transparently demonstrate the strengths of our products in terms of sustainability. It includes dozens of products that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the establishment of a closed value chain. Here we show you the various sustainability criteria of our Green Line products in a transparent manner. They are needed to meet the high standards of a climate-friendly building material.
9 sustainability criteria:
Products that are prepared for unmixed recycling because they are either purely mineral, recyclable and/or biodegradable.
Waste avoidance
Products that contribute to the avoidance of packaging material through the use of unmixed packaging. Among other things, we sell loose goods instead of goods in bags.
Healthy living
Refers to the absence of pollutants in the air and the general indoor climate in living spaces. Has a direct influence on the health and well-being of residents. We have a large number of our products tested and certified by independent institutes: Read more here.
CO2-reduced binders
Cement, quicklime and gypsum are the largest CO2-emitters in our products. Two processes are responsible for this: the heating of the rotary kiln in which the cement clinker is produced and chemical processes in the deacidification of limestone. Our initial efforts to reduce the CO2 footprint are bearing fruit: we rate CO2-reduced binders, e.g. cement-reduced or cement-free binders, which reduce CO2 emissions during production, positively. These include products with SECON® binder technology.
Use of secondary raw materials
Products in which secondary raw materials are used as a substitute or partial substitute for primary raw materials, e.g. concrete recyclate as an aggregate instead of sand and gravel from primary extraction in quarries
Reneawable raw materials
We rate products that contain raw materials that are not irretrievably eliminated through their use, such as wood, straw, hemp and clay, positively. In particular, our construction chemical products, which contain polyols made from vegetable oils and not conventionally from mineral oil.
It is more sustainable to maintain a building by renovating it rather than demolishing it and building a new one. What is harmful is the gray energy, the primary energy required for new construction: This is the energy required to obtain materials, to manufacture and process components, to transport people, machines, components and materials, to install components in the building and to dispose of them. We rate products that protect buildings from demolition, whether through refurbishment or protection during new construction, positively.
Resource-efficient use
Products that use less material per m2 contribute to lower CO2 emissions as they are more productive. They also require fewer freight trips or lighter loads.
Products that have a lasting effect when installed, for example by helping to reduce energy consumption. This applies to insulation materials, but also to thermal insulation plasters. However, our criterion goes one step further and includes the deconstructability of the ETIC system - without a clear concept, we do not include the ETIC system in the Green Line.
The new Green Line logo
These 9 criteria are divided into 3 categories in the new Green Line and are visible on the packaging so that you always know which criteria the product fulfills:

A QR code on the packaging tells you in which category the selected Green Line product scores particularly well - which does not mean that it does not score positively in all categories. In the end, the overall rating always decides in which superior category the product is listed.
We currently sell products in our Green Line range that fulfill one or more categories of our sustainability taxonomy. We are also a member of important sustainable building organizations and attach great importance to serious certifications:
DGNB – German Sustainable Building Council
Sievert has been a member of the DGNB, Europe's largest network for sustainable building with around 2,000 member organizations covering the entire value chain of the construction and real estate industry, since 12/2022.
The content of the DGNB is based on a holistic understanding of sustainability that includes ecological, economic and socio-cultural issues. It is therefore equally concerned with the environment, economic efficiency and people.
The DGNB promotes sustainable building in a variety of ways, e.g. through certifications, the DGNB Academy, the DGNB Navigator and activities in the area of research and development.
The DGNB Navigator helps architects and planners to find products online that meet their sustainability requirements. We have now listed 55 of our products on this online platform with all the relevant information on their sustainability qualities.
EPDs – Environmental Product Declaration
An EPD is a document in which the environmentally relevant properties of a specific product are presented in the form of neutral and objective data. This data covers as many effects as possible that the product can have on its environment. Ideally, the entire life cycle of the product is taken into account.
In the construction industry, EPDs form an essential basis for experts, architects and planners to plan and evaluate buildings holistically.
(Source: Institut für Bauen und Umwelt e. V.)
For two years, we at Sievert have been analyzing our entire value chain with regard to greenhouse gas emissions. The result is a life cycle assessment model that shows our CO₂ emissions for Sievert at product level - this is where we calculate the exact CO₂ footprint. This improves the results of the environmental product declarations by around 25-50%.