Fire-fighting training centre, Würzburg
This training complex in Würzburg relies on the ecological HYDROCON ETICS.
The dimensions of the new state fire-fighting training facility in Würzburg are impressive: 70 m long, 40 m wide and up to 31 m high. And its gross interior volume of more than 75,000 m³, equivalent to the volume of 100 detached houses, makes this complex the largest fire-fighting training building in Germany – and the most modern anyway. Up to 5000 fire-fighters from all over Bavaria are trained every year in this imposing fair-face concrete and glass edifice. This is a highly practical complex: Inside the building there are a detached house, a high-rise building, a high-bay warehouse plus replicas of shops, restaurants, hospital rooms and offices in the special buildings section.

Würzburg’s State Building Department appointed the internationally famous architectural practice of Gerkan, Marg & Partner (gmp), based in Hamburg, to design this complex, which represented a challenge for Osnabrück-based Sievert as well. Europe’s leading supplier of building materials systems saw its innovative HYDROCON thermal insulation composite system used on this €20 million project.